The Harmful Effects of Eating Candy Hobby. Watch Your Child!


Candy is a snack that is loved by many people, be it adults or children. In fact, many people often eat it to help get rid of boredom or just to be friends while chatting or watching television. The problem is candy is included in the snack that is not good for health.

Various harmful ingredients that can be found in candy

Many people underestimate candy because of its small size. Logically, instead of consuming large packaged chips, a small candy size certainly looks like it's not dangerous, right? In fact, it contains sugar and various other unhealthy ingredients.

Here are the various ingredients in candy that we should be aware of.

1.The presence of sucrose and glucose

As mentioned earlier, candy contains the main content in the form of sugar. This content is usually sugar or sucrose. It is for this reason that we also call candy confectionery.

Another sugar content that we can find is glucose. Usually, this content is used to make the candy texture softer. It is for this reason that we can find hard candy, softer candy, or even jelly candy.

2.The presence of saccharin or cyclamate content

In addition to the content of sucrose and glucose, we can also find artificial sugars called saccharin. Even though it has a very sweet taste, we can feel a bitter sensation after tasting it. It's just that, nowadays, this ingredient is not always found in candy.

3.The presence of citric acid

The content of malic acid or also often referred to as citric acid is usually given to candies with fruit flavors. We will feel a slightly sour sensation if we eat candy that has been given this addition.

4.The presence of coloring agents

In order to make the color more attractive, candy is usually added with coloring agents such as erythrosine and carmin to make it red or tartazine to make it yellow.

5.Various other additives

Sometimes, candy is also given additional ingredients such as milk. It's just that, the numbers are usually very minimal. In addition, many candies also include coffee extracts, vegetable fats, or gels. The problem is that this can actually increase the sugar content in the candy.

The bad impact of eating candy is often

Health experts say the hobby of consuming candy can have bad effects that cannot be underestimated.

The following are the various bad effects.

1.The impact is like consuming junk food.

Many people think that junk food is just a form of food such as burgers, pizza, French fries, and the like. In fact, candy is also included in this type of food. Indeed, in a candy we will only find a low calorie content, which is around 20 to 30 calories, but if we consume it frequently, it will certainly make our calorie intake excessive.

Besides being able to trigger weight gain, excessive calorie consumption has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, one of the main causes of premature death in Indonesia.

2.Destructive diet

The hobby of eating candy can actually ruin our diet, you know. This is due to the sugar content in candy which will actually discourage us from consuming healthy foods such as vegetables and fruit. We are even more interested in consuming snacks that can trigger adverse health effects.

3.Can damage teeth

The high sugar content in candy can trigger tooth decay, especially if the candy tends to be sticky and can stick to our teeth. The impact can certainly trigger caries or cavities.

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